Bank account details - HackerEarth Solution (SQL Questions)

Bank account details - HackerEarth Solution (SQL Questions)

Bank account details - HackerEarth Solution (SQL Questions)

Problem Name - Bank account details

Problem Statement

A restaurant maintains information about its employees in a table called Employee.


Your task is to write a query to determine the following values about a male employee who is a manager:


Input format

Table: Employee

Name Type Description
EMP_ID Integer

Represents a number in the inclusive range of [1, 1000] that uniquely identifies an employee ID

Note: This is the primary key.

FIRST_NAME String Represents the first name of an employee
LAST_NAME String Represents the last name of an employee
ROLE Integer Represents the role of an employee
DOB Date Represents the date of birth of an employee
GENDER String Represents the gender of an employee
ACCOUNT_NO Integer Represents the account number of an employee

Output format

The output of the query must contain FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, and ACCOUNT_NO of a male employee who is a manager.

Note: The last four digits of ACCOUNT_NO must be xxxx.


  • The query written in MySQL is case sensitive.
  • Only select queries are allowed.


Sample input

Table: Employee

1 JAMES SMITH ACCOUNTANT 1971-01-01 M 370762569730
2 MICHAEL SMITH CHEF 1994-12-30 F 832347096055
3 MARIA GARCIA MANAGER 1990-08-12 F 326317297866
4 MARY SMITH WAITER 1998-11-09 F 444196665241
5 MARIA MARTINEZ CHEF 1982-12-16 F 557792895268
6 NANCY JONES ACCOUNTANT 1993-05-19 F 764267213085
7 JAMES JOHNSON MANAGER 1991-06-21 M 209704581959
8 HENRY TAYLOR WAITER 1990-07-24 M 892376162850

Sample output

JAMES JOHNSON 20970458xxxx

Sample Explanation

The output prints the name of an employee whose role is Manager and gender is Male along with his account number whose last 4 digits are printed as xxxx.

Bank account details - HackerEarth Solution (SQL Questions)

SQL Query -

Select FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME,ConCat(SubString(ACCOUNT_NO,1,8),'xxxx')
from Employee where role='Manager' and GENDER='M';

Bank account details - HackerEarth Solution (SQL Questions)

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